apple cider vinegar for teeth and gums

Apple Cider Vinegar for Teeth and Gums: Proven Success

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Did you know that there are proven advantages of raw apple cider vinegar for teeth and gums? Apple cider vinegar (ACV) with the mother carries numerous health benefits for the immune system, gut, and more. Fight infection, freshen breath, as well as relieve pain. ACV with the mother might just be what your mouth needs.

If you are going to use ACV for any health benefits, internally or externally, raw (unfiltered; unpasteurized; unprocessed) is best. Raw vinegar, no matter what kind, contains the mother. 

The mother of vinegar is probiotic strains (healthy bacteria) that hold organic anti-microbial properties. As such, they can guard your body against bacteria, fungus, parasites, and viruses.Learn everything there is to know about the mother of vinegar.

Learn everything there is to know about the mother of vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Mouth Infection

As stated, unpasteurized (raw) ACV works best because it contains the mother. Pasteurized vinegar can be used, but raw ACV gives you a stronger antimicrobial shield against disease and infection.

Why is this, you ask? Disease and infection cannot live in an alkaline environment. While acidic, ACV becomes alkaline in your body once it is consumed.

  • Candida albicans (C. albicans) is a yeast (fungus) that is present naturally in the human body. Infections can form in the mouth, throat, and vagina from candida overgrowth, many times from a lack of proper hygiene. Raw ACV proves itself as an effective homeopathic remedy to kill candida infections.
  • ACV has also proven to be effective in reducing bacteria such as Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) in the mouth and other areas.

The easiest way to fight mouth infection, swollen gums, bad breath, or other mouth problems is with Dirty Water Mouthwash:

  • 1/8 cup (2 tablespoons) raw ACV with 1/4 cup water (1part ACV to 2 parts water).
  • Swish or gargle in your mouth 2-3 times daily.
  • Make this solution in bulk to save time. For example, mix 1/2 cup raw ACV with one cup water, or one cup raw ACV with 2 cups water. 

Remember, infection is the first stage. Without proper treatment, infection turns into tooth decay and disease, such as gum disease. Skip using warm salt water that burns your mouth. Try the cheapest, most basic, homemade mouthwash there is. Reuse a plastic or glass container. Don’t have one? Here are some options.

Is Vinegar Bad for Teeth?

Many people are cautious to drink ACV, or use vinegar at all, in fear that it will damage the teeth and throat. Yes, of course vinegar can cause teeth and throat damage, but only if it is consumed in hefty portions or taken undiluted for long periods of time.

A study was conducted where extracted human wisdom teeth sat in five different vinegars. After a period of four and then eight hours, mineral erosion from teeth was documented. 

In this dental study the wisdom teeth sat in pure vinegar for up to 1/3 of a day, much different than drinking heavily diluted vinegar and further diluted with your saliva.

There have been rare occasions of tooth erosion from vinegar intake. Some cultures strictly drink vinegar because of its weight loss properties, but do so in great amounts. For example, a 15-year-old Moroccan girl suffered from erosion in her teeth after she drank an entire cup of apple cider vinegar for an extended period of time. 

How to Protect your Teeth from Apple Cider Vinegar

Avoid tooth enamel erosion from vinegar by drinking the recommended amount by medical experts. Vinegar is acidic. Do not consume more than two tablespoons daily of ACV or other vinegars. Medical professionals strongly urge you not to drink large quantities of vinegar.

Furthermore, damage to your teeth will not happen because no one lets vinegar just marinade in their mouth for long periods of time. As an example, vinegar has been a proven method in whitening teeth. For instance, baking soda or hydrogen peroxide produced fewer whitening effects. Although, any dentist urges against swishing undiluted vinegar in your mouth to brighten your smile.

Yes, diluted raw ACV can work as a natural mouthwash to fight infection and bad breath. Yet, do not use it undiluted for any reason. Vinegar should always be diluted.

After almost five years of drinking raw ACV water, my gums, teeth, and throat are still very healthy. My dentist compliments me at every six-month cleaning on how beautiful and strong my teeth are.

Most importantly, mother-infused apple cider vinegar can do wonders for internal health

Watch my short YouTube video on how easy it is to make Dirty Water Mouthwash, which also triples as a toner and conditioning rinse. 

Use raw apple cider vinegar for teeth and gums.

Live life dirty. Gargle with Dirty Water for a clean mouth.